Romanian language workshop
19 march, 14:00 - 18:00

Endo Problems and Successful Solutions!

Endo Problems and Successful Solutions!

Clinical solutions Endodontic treatment became more predictable than ever before. With the aim of new materials and techniques, we are able to save teeth which were not meant to be. Unfortunately, still the biggest enemy for every doctor is anatomy, which can lead to problems. During this lecture, the participants will learn how to avoid problems during Endodontic treatment and if it happens how to solve it during retreatment. They will get tips which You can use just the next day in Your office.
Workshop objectives:
– Problem-solving during everyday endodontic treatment, starting from creating access, up to the negotiation of the canal space;
– Techniques concerning removing of fracture instruments, metal and fiber posts, closing perforations and passing ledges;
– Planning proper restoration for long term results.
Each procedure is presented step by step basing on clinical cases.


Intre orele

14:00 - 18:00


Dr. Lupu Sebastian
Dr. Lupu Sebastian


0332 440 539